3 min readMar 6, 2024


“New Interiority in architecture” in the context of “New Normal”

Life after the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been long sought by all segments of society, until now (March 2021) is still full of uncertainty and no one can predict what will happen in the future. (unknownability). Humans will likely live alongside COVID-19 in the future, which means that COVID-19 will remain, but the challenge is how humans reset the situation to be able to catalyze the condition. If asked, what is the likelihood that five years from the start of COVID-19 is set to be a pandemic? Then there will be answers that are speculative. Until now, decisions and policies that are dilemmatic and even give the impression of a “trial” are being implemented to keep people able to carry out their activities as they were before the pandemic. This will bring about a new definition in the world of architecture because today’s needs of human aspects have changed.

One of the most dilemmatic circumstances is that the face of the city has been a place where activity has changed its meaning. The meaning and the visuals of public spaces will not have to change and adapt to the global health demands that must be achieved. One of the public spaces that is affected is the market. The market is one of the places that supports the economy, both for sellers and buyers. Especially in the small areas, where the market is the economic source of income for the people.

The dilemma that emerges is that the market is a place where every user (buyer) present will always be moving, following whatever needs they are looking for. But humans can’t trace anybody who has COVID-19 if only a lot of them have OTG status or carrier status. Not a few people finally decided not to shop in the markets for fear of being infected. It’s not gonna be a problem if it’s implemented in big cities where digital technology is advanced. But it will be a problem for areas that are still lagging in technological development. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an architectural solution, especially in terms of interiority, to address this problem so that the market remains able to provide comfort to anyone who comes in.

The concepts of interiority in architecture that will be highlighted and also expected to be the solution in responding to New Normal conditions are movement, programming, as well as massing, and spatial quality (in order of hierarchy/priority). The author assumes that there is a clustering among the buyers who come to design a simulation of circulation experiments in a market that is polished to help detect transmission of the virus COVID-19. This user circulation will later also affect the massing/physical/external shape of the market, so it is expected to be able to deliver spatial quality that can also be a medical instrument. Clustering can be done by, for example, separating buyers who come from a particular area, the material that needs to be purchased, the results of the temperature test, and so on. It’s also definitely going to bring new programming to the market. Conditions that appear in the author’s shadow, later there will be some custom layout options that are tailored to the needs of the user. From the modules, the simulated layout will also be influenced by the geometry shape used. The geometry used should already have characteristics that have sides that can be reached flexibly by the user but also have instruments that are capable of being a limit to the COVID-19 virus. The author will also simulate geometry forms such as what is most suitable to be applied to be able to the objective of massing capable of having patterns that can form the modular concept that the author wants to design.

